Texas | 1-800-SWEEPER

1-800-SWEEPER Blog

1-800-SWEEPER New Partner Welcome: Sweep Across Texas


1-800-SWEEPER is proud to welcome Phil Kiger and the entire team of professionals at Sweep Across Texas to our nationwide network of sweeping service companies.  Phil spent 17 years in commercial real estate before purchasing Sweep Across Texas in 1997.  “Making the transition from broker to owning and operating a sweeping company was a natural progression as many of my long time clients followed us in our new endeavor,” according to Kiger.  Part of Phil’s plan was to create a business model where he could serve as a one stop shop for commercial property managers.  Although Sweep Across Texas was primarily focused on parking lot sweeping when Kiger purchased the company, Phil made the needed capital investments in new sweepers to serve the street, construction, and municipal sweeping needs of his customer base too.  Phil also owns AAA Window Washing and Austin Pressure Wash.  Together, his three companies serve many of the maintenance needs for commercial property managers throughout the greater Austin, Texas area.

Phil’s businesses have an established, longstanding presence in the local market, but as a savvy business owner, Kiger is not afraid to use new marketing strategies to make the phone ring.  “I do periodic searches on Google to see how my own site is performing and the 1-800-SWEEPER presence got my attention,” says Kiger.  Phil is looking forward to reaping the benefits of additional organic exposure in the search engines, along with the potential boost in inquiries from the Google PPC campaign 1-800-SWEEPER is running on his behalf.  In addition to the marketing benefits, Phil plans to investigate the 1-800-SWEEPER buying group which offers significant discounts on brooms, filters, and fuel for participating partners.

Sweep Across Texas will provide parking lot sweeping and street sweeping in the Austin, Texas market (area code 512).  Please extend a hearty 1-800-SWEEPER new partner welcome to Phil Kiger and all of the crew at Sweep Across Texas.

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