sweeping truck simulation | 1-800-SWEEPER

1-800-SWEEPER Blog

NPE 2017 Marks First Public Viewing of Sweeper Simulator Tool


1-800-Sweeper has developed the industry’s first sweeper operator training simulator to help screen and train operators, before receiving on-the-job training in an actual sweeper. Our organization will publicly showcase the technology – dubbed the SweeperSim – at the National Pavement Expo 2017 in Nashville, Feb. 1-3, 2017.

“Virtual Sweeping” was created to help address one of the highest priority problems in the commercial power sweeping industry – recruiting, training and retaining drivers. 1-800-SWEEPER along with Vendor partners Schwarze Industries and Nitehawk Sweepers will unveil the simulator to the industry and give NPE attendees an opportunity to experience the technology first-hand in the form of a “virtual sweeper rodeo” Feb. 2nd and 3rd in Nashville.

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