NPE | 1-800-SWEEPER- Part 3


NPE 2014: See You In Sunny Ft. Lauderdale


NPE 2014 Logo 2If you haven’t already done so, it is time to make travel arrangements to attend the 2014 National Pavement Expo, which will be held January 8-11 in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.  1-800-SWEEPER is sponsoring the Sweepers Night Out on Thursday night, 1/9 at the Ft. Lauderdale Antique Car Museum as well as a cocktail reception aboard the Sun Dream, a 137 foot luxury yacht on Friday, 1/10 , 7:30-9:30 pm.  A chartered  bus will leave the Ft. Lauderdale Convention Center at 7:00 pm to take us to the marina.  We will depart promptly at  7:30pm and cruise the intercoastal waterway. This exciting cruise is open to all attending members, vendors and invited guests.  Make sure you RSVP with Carolyn Bell to reserve your space.

NPE is always a perfect opportunity to learn, network, and spend time with good friends.  Beat the post-holiday winter blues by making the trip.  Remember, all it takes is one good idea or one new key industry contact to make the trip pay for itself!

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